Mass/Liquid For Liquid Questions

Given an amount of mass per liquid, how much liquid do you require?

x Volume Per Have  =  Y (Liquid Required)

Example: Phenytoin (Dilantin), 0.1 g PO, is ordered to be given through a nasogastric tube. Phenytoin is available as 30 mg / 5 mL. How much would the nurse administer?
x Volume Per Have  =  Y (Liquid Required)
Convert 0.1 g to mg.
  • mcg ← mg ← g ← kg    ( x by 1,000 )
  • 0.1 g x 1,000 = 100 mg
100 mg
30 mg
x 5 mL  =  16.7 mL

Example: Ordered Lasix 40 mg IV push now. Available: 80 mg in 1 mL. How much will the nurse draw up?
x Volume Per Have  =  Y (Liquid Required)
40 mg
80 mg
x 1 mL  =  0.5 mL

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